Justar - A Discord Bot

Justar is a Discord bot primarily designed to work with Vibify. It is built using Node.js and the Discord.js library, allowing users to interact with the Vibify API directly from Discord. Justar provides a seamless experience for managing Spotify playlists, discovering new music, and organizing your Spotify library, all within the Discord platform. However, I found out that it is against the Spotify API’s terms of service to use a Discord bot to interact with the Spotify API, but I’m still using this bot for personal use.


I wanted to learn more about Discord bots and how I can integrate them with other APIs to create a more interactive experience for users. By developing Justar, I was able to explore the capabilities of the Discord.js library and experiment with different features and functionalities that could enhance the user experience. Additionally, I wanted to create a tool that would allow users to access Vibify’s features directly from Discord, making it easier to manage their Spotify library and discover new music.

Justar Commands

Why node.js?

Node.js was the perfect choice for building Justar due to its asynchronous nature and event-driven architecture, which align well with the requirements of a Discord bot. The Discord.js library provides a simple and intuitive way to interact with the Discord API, allowing developers to create powerful bots with minimal effort. Additionally, Node.js offers a wide range of libraries and tools that make it easy to integrate with other APIs, such as my own Vibify Client npm package, enabling seamless communication between Justar and the Vibify API.

What else can it do?

Justar offers a few other features in addition to its integration with the Vibify API. Some of the key functionalities include:

  • Displaying the weather: Justar can fetch the current weather information for a specified location using a weather api Weather Command And it has autocomplete suggestions for the location: Weather Command Autocomplete

  • Displaying the forecast: Justar can also provide a 3-day weather forecast for a specified location Forecast Command