Github API

Project Overview:

This project utilizes the GitHub API to allow users to get information about their GitHub profile, repositories, and readme files. Users can also search for repositories and get information about them.

Project preview

When someone visits the website, it will fetch all my public repositories and cache them server-side for a day. This way, the website loads faster, and the GitHub API rate limit is not exceeded.


  1. Showcase my GitHub profile and repositories on my personal website.

Technology Stack

  • Node.js: For server-side logic and API integration.
  • GitHub API: For fetching user data, repositories, and readme files.
  • Express.js: For creating the API endpoints and handling requests.
  • Deployment: Hosted on a Raspberry Pi.


The GitHub API project has allowed me to showcase my GitHub profile and repositories on my personal website, making it easier for visitors to see my work.

Interested in how it works?

Check out the GitHub repository to see under the hood.